sobota, 31 października 2015

Run fast for

Today I started running at the morning. I already liked this sport and I feel like I won't give up with it. After 10 minutes I felt my legs were running without my help :) I mean I even wasn't conscious about the fact that I actually was running. I presume that my body was controled by someone else, because I was so buried in thought that I wasn't focused on the fact of runnig. This feeling is very intriguing and uncomparable. At this moment you realize how multifunctional you are and how many questions and dialogues you keep in you head every day. And suddenly you stop... you saw the beatiful nature of the fall, in the park you are running, and you want to keep it in you memory so you take a lot of photos. And that's what has inspired me today for this post:

Domowe melodie

If the title of this post didn't remind you of a great musical group from Poland.. then this is what I would like to talk about this time. Justyna "Jucho" Chowaniak is a leader of the team, she's a composer, vocalist and pianist. There is no information about where are they coming from, so dared to write them on facebook and Justyna conifrmed that they lived in Warsaw, unfortunaltely not in Poznan. However, this wonderful trio creats a unique folk and acustic music. The have almost 3 million viewings on youtube, which is a lot as for a polish audience. When I look at them I strongly feel how creative they are, how much they love what they are doing. In november we can meet them in Poznan. They are giving the concert in the Imperial Castle. The ticket costs only 35 PLN. Well... that may be not so cheap for someone but it would worth I hope :)

Here is Justyna's quote about their team:

"Domowe melodie" to projekt kilkunastu własnoręcznie nabazgranych i skomponowanych piosenek. W domu. Razem z płaczem, spalonym garnkiem, gorączką i dziurawą skarpetą. Nagrywam. Rejestruję ulotny fragment mojego życia... Po drodze pojawili się moi muzykanci najlepsi – Staszek i Kuba. I tak sobie klepiemy domowe bit."

Now I leave you with them tet-a-tet, I hope you will apreciate it ;)