niedziela, 26 kwietnia 2015

Shameless (USA)

When your brain is turned out, but you'd like to focus on something light and funny, you're might be searching for a new TV show. Well, that's our reality today, unfortunately. I have to admit that today we are very spoiled by the diversity of films, music, books, so we devote too much time to it. And I'm not an exception. I like TV shows, good ones, with the exceptional actors and extraordinary screenplays.
Thus, during the late evening, when I was not really in the mood, I found a show called Shameless. The name is already intriguing, I think so.. ;) Well, after 1st episode I was surprised, not only by the story, but by my positive reaction. I ain't a big fan of the shows, but this one took all my attention for a while. 
The story is about a family, which consists from: 5 kids, one-always-drunk dad, the lascivious mother, who doesn't live at home and an older sister who takes care of all of them. Certainly, that sounds like not a comedy, but Showtimes managed it. I assure you, during the viewing you will be shocked and surprised every 5 minutes. What's more, you will be laughing out loud during all seasons (except 5th maybe). 
This show can make your day ;)
P.S. There are two productions: British and American. I propose you to watch the last one.

2 komentarze:

  1. This sounds interesting. Why don't you like an American production?

  2. I don't like British production. I think it's because I started watching American version, so I just used to this type of humor =) But it would be interesting if you started with British version and the we could compare our impressions =)
